Sunday, March 28, 2010

Greetings from Shamu!

Everyone had a great day at Sea World today! The weather was perfect and the park was empty enough that the roller-coaster-lovers got as many rides as they wanted and we got to see lots of great shows.

The directors get a photo op with Shamu...
The boys take a shot at the girls on the lazy river...
Allison, Rebecca, Kelly, and Becky pose at the front of the park...
Molly, Anthony, Aric, and Becky grab dinner...
And Abbey, Jess, and Kasombra are wiped out at the end of the day! (Note Kasombra's new cowboy hat!)
On the chaperone end, we discovered that band trips age a person more than we previously thought! One of our moms (who wishes to remain nameless!) realized while in line for a rollercoaster that she's actually a year older than she thought she was. On the student end, some comments about San Antonio have been...

"Can I stay here??" -- Erin W. (I pointed out that she also asked to stay in East St. Louis)

"I love this place!" -- Aaron C.

"The eloquent accomodations in addition to the architectural detailing create a pleasing environment fit for the likes of the MCHS Band." -- Emily B. on our hotel... yes, that is a direct quote.

Hopefully tomorrow I can post some comments from the students after our clinic at Texas State University. Our clinician is very well-known in the music world and it should be a GREAT experience for everyone!


  1. Awesome pictures!! Looks like fun...wish Mallory and I were there! :-)

  2. Thank you so much for keeping those of us "left behind" in the know. The updates must be a chore, but we are grateful for them.

  3. I am so glad to hear you are all enjoying the Lone Star State. Texas State University should be a great experience for everyone tomorrow! I can't wait to see pictures from the clinic. Good luck to all of the students, both band & guard! Monday is certainly a busy day for all of you!

  4. Lynn... we wish you and Mallory were here too!

    Anonymous... glad you're enjoying the blog. :) Thanks for reading!
